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Windows 95 has most of the tools for maintaining your PC, but Windows 98 extends the possibilities and makes it even less of a hassle.. ** start>>Run ** Now, type eudcedit 2 Watson: This an inbuilt windows repairing software! ** start>>Run ** Now, type drwtsn32 3.. Try this trick to add up ur name in place of AM and PM beside time Its simple: Step-1: - Navigate to -> Start -> Control Pannel -> Regional and Language Option -> Click on Customize -> Go to TIME Tab -> Change AM symbol and PM symbol from AM and PM to ur name -> Apply -> Ok.. However, under Windows 98, you can run it every week if you want because it has a new engine, which means that the more you run it, the faster your computer will get.. A standard check is very fast and checks for basic disk problems concerning files and folders and lost fragments.. Disk Defrag: It is advisable to run Defrag under Windows 95 once a month or when you add/remove programs.. Maintaining your computer is the key to keeping it healthy and fully working and of course, fast.. If you follow the list below and run the programs listed frequently, you will be guaranteed to have a maintained computer at no extra cost.. Follow these steps: 1 Go to Start ----> Run Type regedit, then enter Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER --------> Software ---> yahoo --->pager---->Test 3.. Make sure that the 'make my programs run faster' is ticked in the 'Settings' window in Defrag.. • Masuk ke menu Start >> All Programs >> Accessories >> Command Prompt.. English RUNTIME : 130 Adobe (2) Adobe Photoshop CS6 v13 0 (1) Adobe Premiere (1).. Look place where time changes in digital form i e 02:47:52 AM, click to arrow to cnage the AM or PM by selecting and press arrow.. On the right page, right-click and choose new Dword value Rename it as Plural Double click and assign a decimal value of 1.. Tentu kamu bakalan kaget kalo flashdisk yang tadinya berisi dokumen dan foto tiba-tiba hilang dari flashdisk, misalnya setelah menghubungkan ke komputer atau laptop temen kamu.. Did It change? If not, follow step-2 below Step2: - Now go to time in taskbar and Double Click it to open 'Date and time property'.. It will Show ur name or name that was entered by u, Apply -> OK and be HAPPY 8).. Run this once a month if you feel that your hard disk takes a long time to load programs.. # Blog NiesSare # Free Download Vonis dapat langsung kamu jatuhkan bahwa fdisk kamu terserang oleh virus.. Now close registry and restart yahoo messenger and try Multiple Login This tweak reduces the time XP waits before automatically closing any running programs when you give it the command to shutdown.. Tidak lama kemudian, tiba-tiba saja file dokumen/foto itu muncul kembali di fdisk, namun telah di eksekusi menjadi file dengan ekstensi EXE.. Hidden Programs in windows Xp Type the following commands in RUN Private Character Editor: Used for editing fonts,etc.. Sebetulnya semua data asli masih ada dan tidak hilang, hanya disembunyikan oleh virus tersebut.. Bisa Trojan, Worm atau Sality Penyebabnya sih kemungkinan besar kamu tidak memasang Antivirus atau tidak pernah update sama sekali.. IExpress: Used to create SetupsYou can create your own installers!** start>>Run ** Now, type iexpress.. There are, however, other programs in the market with stronger engines, but then again, they're not free (stop smiling.. ) Most of these programs can be found under the Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools folder.. What happens is that your programs are placed on your hard disk in a way so that the ones you use most often are easier for the hard disk to find and run.. Nah, kali ini kita coba dengan Command Prompt untuk mengembalikannya seperti sedia kala.. Adobe Dreamweaver: fungsinya untuk membuat situs web atau blog Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: kamus bahasa inggris.. Media Player 5 1: Even if you upgrade your Media Player, you can still access your old player in case the new one fails!!! ** start>>Run ** Now, type mplay32 4.. It takes an average 2 minutes to complete so try running it often. Scandisk: Running a thorough check is good once a month in both Windows 95 and 98.. Multiple login in yahoo Without Using any Software You can login with multiple id's on the same yahoo messenger without any download or patch. d70b09c2d4